Friday, February 29, 2008

Weird Things..

It is hard to live open end stories ... 7a2a2e

Stories you don't know its end.

Stories with incomplete parts.

Stories seems that its end doesn't have an end.

this is a weird thing :D ... Isn't life full of weird end stories.

And the only one who know its end is Allah.

ICT 2008

ده مركز المؤتمرات من برا

وده الاستقبال والتسجيل لو معاك دعوة او لو عايز تشتري تذكرة دخول
< ÕæÑÉ

المصرية للاتصالات و TEData كانو عاملين جناح واحد وكان من اكبر الاقسام

وده قسم Benq قسم جامد اوي بيوزعو شنط عشان تشيل فيها الورق اللي بتجمعه :D

قسم ميكروسوفت كنت متوقع انه يكون مميز عن كده
حبيبتنا صن كان كبير بس انا صورت جزء منه

وانا اللي كنت فاكر ان يونيفرسال دي غسالات وبوتاجازات بس

LinkdotNat كان من الاقسام المميزة والستاف فيها ظريف

سيادة وزير الاتصالات في قسم لينك

سيادة الوزير راح حتة تانية لقاني برده

قسم توشبيا كان مميز وجميل بس صورة مهزوزة :roll:

مرحبا بلغات كتير مش فاكر كانت في قسم ايه

موبينيل كان مبدع السنادي

Itida اللي هتعمل التدريب بتاعنا واللي فهمته منهم ان المسؤول عن التدريب itac مش itida

OMS شركة كبيرة كلنا عارفينها قسمها كان جميل

جانب من المعرض

htc كانت منزلة موبايل تحفة اختياري بين الشاشة التوتش والكيبورد العادي في موبايل واحد

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

مساكين يا أهل أوروبا

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دعا وزير الداخلية الالماني فولفغانغ شويبل الأربعاء 27-2-2008 "كل الصحف الأوروبية" إلى نشر الرسوم الكاريكاتورية للنبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، على غرار الصحافة الدنماركية, وذلك دفاعا عن حرية الصحافة.

قرأت في موقع قناة العربية هذا الخبر الحمد لله أن الله لم يضع في قلوبنا هذا الكم من الحقد على الأديان الأخرى لأننا نؤمن بها.. و أسأل الله أن يهديهم عن هذا الضلال.

و أن ينصر أمة الإسلام و أن يعيننا على أن نعلو بنهضة الأمة بالعلم و الصناعة و كل ما تحتاجه الأمة للنهضة حتى يدرك العالم ما هو الإسلام و من هم المسلمين و من هو رسول الله.

و أسأل الله أن يساعدنا على أن نجعلهم يعلموا أن رسول الله هو رحمة للعالمين و لو قرءوا سطر عنه لأحبوه حباً عظيم.

أسأل الله أن يهديهم و يعينا على تحسين صورة الإسلام فى عقول شعن الدنمارك و ينير قلوبهم بحب الإسلام و رسول الله و كل شعوب العالم.

فأنهم لا يعلمون ... اللهم ثبتنا على دينك و على الفتن و سمحنا على تقصيرنا.


How To Say No

I found this article about how to say no.

I think it's very useful because on this world you need to think before being committed.

Most of us say yes just not to feel that we'll escape from people's request but if we aren't convinced with this yes....then we need to read this article :) .

  • We say "yes"to others because we want to please them. But when eventually we can't continue, we let them down and we feel guilty. Both parties suffer. Recognize that a desire to please often prevents us from saying no.
  • Stick to your plan. If you have a written set of goals and strategies, this gives you a reason to stick to your course. ("Thanks, but I already have an investment plan, so you don't need to send me a newsletter about stocks.")
  • When someone persists, repeat your position, perhaps in a slightly different way.
  • Make sure you understand exactly what is being asked of you before you respond. Perhaps the task is more time consuming than you thought. On the other hand, it may not take much effort at all.
  • Excel at just a few things, rather than being just average at many. Don't try to do everything.
  • You have a right to say no. Remember that others may take you for granted and even lose respect for you if you don't.
  • Be polite, but firm in saying no. You only build false hopes with wishy-washy responses. For instance, the phrase "I'll try to be there" in response to a party invitation is giving yourself an excuse to avoid a commitment. It doesn't do anyone any favors.
  • When a superior asks you to do a new urgent task;
  • Remind her that you are working on other projects that she has already identified as top priorities
  • Ask for help in deciding where the new task should fall on the list of priorities
  • Point out that you might be able to do everything, but not to the usual high standards that are expected.

  • Some experts recommend keeping your answer short. This way, you can say no without feeling the need for a lengthy justification. ("I'm sorry, I'm not available that night.") On the other hand, others say that giving a longer answer with reasons reinforces your credibility. Let the situation decide.
  • Provide suggestions or alternatives to the person who is asking. ("I can't do that task today, but how about next week," or "How about asking John instead?")
  • When in doubt, it's easier to say no now, then change your mind to a yes later, rather than the other way around.

When You Have to Say Yes

  • Sometimes, saying no is simply unavoidable. Here are some techniques to use:
  • Tell the person you can agree to their request this time, but ask how the two of you might plan better for the next time.
  • Tell them yes, but remind them they owe you one. For example, they might cover you for a shift next time you need time off.
  • Tell them yes, but take control by saying you'll come back to them with a timetable. For instance, say, "I expect I'll be able to do that for you by the end of the week."
  • Put a tough condition on your agreement. "If it would only take an hour, I'd be able to help, but I can't give you more than that."

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Respecting Your Time

I took this post from my friend's blog, it's really nice one.

The 6 keys to respecting your time:

One important thing to remember is that the only way that others are going to respect your time, is if YOU respect your time.


Rather than volunteering at every school, organization or work activity, pick one or two things and focus your efforts on those. If someone else requests your time, let them know you're committed to these one or two activities, and simply cannot take on another.


While you may consider helping someone out with something, that certainly doesn't mean you have to do it all. For example, rather than serving on a committee, you may volunteer to make reminder phone calls, or to type up the newsletter.


If someone asks you to volunteer your time, ask this person to volunteer their time right back. For instance, if your friend asks you to baby sit tonight, ask her if she can drive your son to school tomorrow.


If you have no intention of saying YES, don't avoid the issue by saying, MAYBE, or IF I HAVE TIME. While this may temporarily alleviate your guilt, it's unfair to the other person, and you'll be wasting time fretting over what excuse you're going to give to this person. Just say No. And don't feel guilty about saying No, because you want to spend some quality time with your family, or you need some personal time alone.


Your To Do List should not be ten pages long. Good time management is picking and choosing those items that are truly important and saying NO to those that are not important at all. Force yourself to limit the amount of items on your To Do List.


While there are some situations that are to be considered emergencies--such as helping an ill relative or friend-- there are many other requests for your time that you simply don't have to do. The best rule of thumb is to choose those activities that you TRULY WANT TO DO--those things that will make you happy. If someone asks you for your time, and you find yourself thinking, 'Oh, no', then simply don't do it.

Finally I want to finish with a quote that I do appreciate:

Time is what we want most, but... what we use worst. ~Willaim Penn

That's not Hijab

This is a very good Video Masha'Alalh for an american guy called Ali, maybe his way in advising and saying good stuff is close to comedians way but the words are so real and although he's not Arabian but he's familiar with Arabian Muslims' problems.

For More Videos for Ali

Nice Feeling

Yeah, It's a very nice feeling when you read things you wrote before about a certain and how it's easily you forgot all this taught moments but Al hamdulelah.

Things you believe it'll never go it goes.... by Allah's help.

I hope that Allah bless me with patience in each moment in my life.

Ya rab