Sunday, February 15, 2009

Life Joy

Cosy place to feel comfortable in...

Great View to look at ...

A Delicious Chocolate to Eat :D

A friend to share with your best moments ever ...

Shopping in Malls ...

Nothing Compared to

وَمَا أُوتِيتُم مِّن شَيْءٍ فَمَتَاعُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَزِينَتُهَا وَمَا عِندَ اللَّهِ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَى أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ .. القصص60

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Children & Destiny

Destiny comes from Allah...

I believe its main aim is to Reshape
not only our lives but our Characters..

And this Reshaping sometimes helps in
building pampered child and sometimes
it builds Strong child who can face the whole world..

Reshaping of Destiny makes
people sometimes Amazed..

Because it creates unusual things..
To be more precise, I didn't appreciate
this fact or being aware of it,

Before Gaza War.. after I saw children
who speaks as if they were born to be a Leaders.

They don't fear public speaking,
Making speeches and expressing their Feelings.

Things I don't thing our children in our
countries can do.

That's why I call it "Allah's Destiny Reshaping",
it's a powerful fact and it's a beginning for a great change
in the world.

إِن يَمْسَسْكُمْ قَرْحٌ فَقَدْ مَسَّ الْقَوْمَ قَرْحٌ مِّثْلُهُ وَتِلْكَ الأيَّامُ نُدَاوِلُهَا بَيْنَ النَّاسِ وَلِيَعْلَمَ اللّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَيَتَّخِذَ مِنكُمْ شُهَدَاء وَاللّهُ لاَ يُحِبُّ الظَّالِمِينَ .. آل عمران140