I always have things that i believe in so much these things I've raised up with and I think it's difficult to leave them...Those things are my principles.
I believe people are different they have different concepts, principles, limits.... so on, and it doesn't really matter the main thing that people respect you for who you are and understand that this is the way you chose and that what makes you happy.
I have a friend who has different principles compared to mine, it's ok with me since the major things at least are the same...but what made me feel bad that one day she wanted to involve me in what she's doing to prove to herself she's right and that I crossed my principles and we are the same..!!
Every day on our lives we experience people want to change us so that we fit their lives with intentionally or unintentionally..
The Main thing is to Follow your Heart and Principles..
Even if this person who wants to change you is the closest one to your heart..
Even if this person is your Friend.. Relative.. etc.
I always keep this in my mind
"Don't do something today to gain people's love and lose yourself and moreover lose ALLAH forever"...
I know The most important thing to me is ALLAH then my Mother that's why I think about what I'll do twice so that i won't lose any of them..
Stick to your principles even if it means a GREAT LOSS at least you'll Gain Allah and With Allah NO LOSS..
" Who found Allah what will he lose and Who lost Allah what will he find? "
2alahom 2ejma3ana ma3 el rasoul fe Jannat el Ferdos we 2a7'rejna men el Donia 3ala 7'ier..