Wednesday, January 20, 2010

منتج اسلامي %100

We wish to see new Islamic International Brands..

Did you imagine how would it be if the international brands were Muslims' ones ..

Check it out.

How Cool is it having a brand with an Islamic Slogan .. I totally have faith and hope that One day we will have many Islamic International Brands and It'll represent our Islamic beliefs Insha'Allah.

And Already some of our brothers abroad made it --> "Style Islam" , they are doing great work by spreading Islam through their products.. May Allah bless them and reward them.

P.S.: I didn't design those pics just copied, JAK who made them.

1 comment:

  1. أكرمكم الله تعالى فأنتم الصحبة الطيبة .. حفظكم الله تعالى وزادكم سبحانه علم ودين ويقين وسعاده ..
