Remember this on March 29th? (here)
It is on YouTube and Twitter as well and has been for some time. This is not a new story but one that needs to keep being told.
Over 300,000 "fans" of a Third Palestinian Intifada so far. A call to violence and war that Facebook refuses to remove. They have however removed other pages with far less hateful and violent motives and intent.
And then this on March 29th! (here)
Facebook deletes the page calling for a violent "Third Palestinian Intifada", This is a follow-up to the article "Social media and the Third Palestinian Intifada" that appeared here this morning. Sometime after that Facebook pulled the Like page for the reasons given below.
Could emails like mine and others to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg have played any role?
Doubtful but if people are unwilling to get involved Like pages like the "Third Palestinian Intifada" will simply exist unchallenged spreading a message of violence and hate!
“ … We continue to believe that people on Facebook should be able to express their opinions, and we don’t typically take down content that speaks out against countries, religions, political entities, or ideas," Andrew Noyes, a spokesman for Facebook, told He said the social network would continue to take down pages that issue "direct calls for violence or expressions of hate.”
Facebook isn't done with the "Third Palestinian Intifada" (H/T Pajamas Media)
From PJM, "... Like the Hydra, new heads have already sprung into existence to replace the one that has been lopped off by Facebook. In fact, there are now several pages devoted to a new Intifada, in a variety of languages, and one of them boasts 3,292,265 fans at the time of this writing — roughly 10 times the number of the original..."
Here are some of the links to other new and existing Like pages at Facebook calling for Intifada. Let Facebook know how you feel!ليـــلــة-ٍ-ســقــوط-ِاســرائيــل/199854786705846بلادُ-العُربِ-أوطاني/106061456143939
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My Personal Comment
It's very interesting how Facebook responds that fast for Israel safety and when Muslims were struggling to fight the violence against Islam and the hatred messages that were spread over all Facebook pages, they were acting deaf.
But I'm not depressed at all, because that shows to the world how the Social media is REALLY working to serve people/countries in power.. but I feel that this also shows that we are powerful more than they can imagine, in one day the page gained more than 80 thousands of likes .. they have their reasons to be scared :) and we have our reasons to be proud.
Finally, If you stole my house and I encouraged the house owners to ask for their rights, we don't call this violence .. we call it uprising.
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