Saturday, April 28, 2012

Today's Quotes

لقد سكتوا عن الظلم !!

خواطر ولاد ابو اسماعيل

قالت: لى صديقتى فى الصباح امازلتى تؤيدين اليشخ حازم ؟
قلت: بدون تفكير اكيد

قالت: حتى بعد ان استبعد من الرئاسه وقفل كل الابواب لرجوعه؟
قلت: املى فى ربى لا ينقطع

قالت: معظم الناس تكذبه
قلت :قالها الشيخ الزغبى انكذب الراكع الساجد ونصدق من عهدنا عليهم الكذب

قالت :لماذا كل هذا الحب لهذا الرجل ؟
قلت: هو الوحيد الذى قال سنحيا كراما

قالت: اعرفى با قى المرشحين واختارى منهم
قلت : لم اجد فيهم من اقول له مثلما قلت لحازم

قالت: وماذا قلتى له ؟
قلت: قلت له فى احد تعليقاتى اذا تركتنا بأرادتك فسأدعى عليك فى كل صلاة وبين كل اذان واقامه واذا استبعدوك عنوة فأعرف اننا حُرمنا منك بذنوبنا

قالت: بصراحه امركم غريب لم تهتزوا ولم تستسلموا اسحركم هذا الرجل
قلت: لا بل ايقظ فينا ما مات من سنوات

قالت :من ستنتخبى؟
قلت :لن انتخب احد

قالت: بذلك تعطى فرصه للفلول !
قلت :كل المرشحين سكتوا على الظلم فكلهم عندى فلول حتى ولم يعملوا مع الرئيس السابق ولا يستحقون صوتى

منقول من 
صفحة الحياة بقى لونها سلفي

بعيداً عن فكرة تقديس الأشخاص لكن كيف نسكت عن الظلم ظناً أن ذلك يجعل السفينة تسير و القادم سوف يكون اكثر اشراقاً.. و كل يوم يثبت انها مسرحية و ان الرئيس القادم بقى رئيس من قبل ما حد ينتخبه.

من حقنا ان نعلم لماذا تم اسبعاد مرشح رغم حكم المحكمة و لم تقدم اللجنة العليا للانتخابات اوراقها من البداية و تركت الأمور للحظة الأخيرة و يوجد بالقائمة مرشح اخر كان مسئول وقت موقعة الجمل و يتم استبعاده ثم قبول تظلمه فى اللحظة الاخيرة.. اكره هذا الشعور الذي يجعلنا نتقبل الأوضاع و نستسلم لها كما استسلمنا لاحداث محمد محمود، بورسعيد، حريق السويس.

اتمنى ان اذهب و انتخب المرشح الذي اراه الأفضل و لكن الواحد مش قادر يضحك على نفسه و انا افقد الثقة تماما في هذه الانتخابات و من يقوم على ادارتها و لا ارى في المرشحين من اقنعني انه يصلح للرئاسة.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I love you so ♥ 

I heard this nasheed "I love you so" of Maher Zain in his new album "Forgive Me" vocal only version. I loved the lyrics of this nasheed very precious words :) .. and it shows a great meaning. I really wish we live our lives feeling such an amazing feeling ✿.

I pray to God
With my heart, soul and body
Every single day of my life
With every breath I solemnly promise
To try to live my life for you
O Allah, you did revive my soul
And shone Your light into my heart
So pleasing you is now my only goal
Oh I love you so
I love you so

Now I know how it's like
To have Your precious love in my life
Now I know how it feels
To finally be at peace inside
I wish that everybody knew how amazing feels to love you
I wish that everyone could see
How Your love has set me free
Set me free and made me strong

O Allah, I'm forever grateful to You
Whatever I say could never be enough
You gave me strength to overcome my uncertainties
And stand firm against all the odds
You are the One who did revive my soul
You shone Your light into my heart
So pleasing you is now my only goal
Oh I love you so
I love you so

My love, my life, my days, my nights, my wealth, my prayers - all for you
And I swear that I will never put anyone
Or anything before You
My love, my life, my days, my nights, my wealth, my prayers - all for you  

قُلْ إِنَّ صَلاَتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ - الأنعام162

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Maher Zain - without music 

Thank you Allah - vocal version - Download Mp3 

Forgive Me - vocal version - Download Mp3

كله خير.. 

  قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم: "عجبا لأمر المؤمن . إن أمره كله خير . وليس ذاك لأحد إلا للمؤمن . إن أصابته سراء شكر فكان خيرا له . وإن أصابته ضراء صبر . فكان خيرا له "

 نسأل الله ان يرزقنا الصبر مهما ضاقت علينا الأرض، و الشكر مهما فتحت علينا السماء.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Ramadan Early Bird Series!

Ramadan is quickly approaching. Instead of waiting for the last minute to prepare, begin today for a fruitful month of blessings and barakah from Allah [SWT].

To fully benefit from a great opportunity, you need to prepare for it – and the more thorough the preparation, the better. As Muslims, we have an annual event that serves as a tremendous opportunity to gather rewards and effect permanent, positive changes in our lives that will help us draw closer and closer to the Almighty. That opportunity is Ramadan.

Usually, it’s only in the two months before Ramadan that we start hearing about how important it is to prepare so that by the time the month arrives, we’re already in the spirit of striving, and we have the momentum to make the most of Ramadan.

But we also hear how the Prophet’s  (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) companions  (may Allāh be pleased with them) used to look forward to Ramadan a full six months before it came. And because they are the best generation in our history, we should take them as our role models and try to emulate their attitude towards this great opportunity.

We have, insha Allah, about five months left until Ramadan begins – so if we want to take full benefit from Ramadan, and take advantage of those ‘early bird’ benefits, now is the time to start preparing (if we haven’t already started, that is).

You may be thinking it’s too soon, but time flies and we get wrapped up in so many things – so it would be foolish to let this reminder – and this early opportunity – pass you by.

The Early Bird Plan

It’s a well-established principle that the way to success is gradualism: doing things little by little, stage by stage, but being consistent in it. So with this series, what I hope to do is take one aspect of development at a time, and make that the focus for the month – for the next five months. And when Ramadan hits, insha Allah, we would have covered five important elements of our spiritual lives, and be better prepared to step up in those areas to new and amazing heights.
The system being proposed here is open to your suggestions, so please do give feedback if you can contribute anything positive. With regard to topics on a monthly basis, you can choose to go along with what’s suggested, or you can choose your own area to focus on. Each person knows him/herself best, and knows what’s most important for their lives – so focus on what you need to, adopting a structured framework within which to focus your efforts.
The general framework for the project:
  1. Pick an area you’d like to work on for this month (e.g. character, speech, fasting, charity); or use the one prescribed in this article
  2. Analyse what your current condition is in the area (quality, frequency, etc)
  3. Look at what your weaknesses / problems are, and their root causes
  4. Think of practical methods to overcome those root causes
  5. Set up a realistic plan of action to implement those solutions gradually in the coming months, then at a higher pace in Ramadan

Stage 1: Salaah

We know the importance of salaah in Islam: it’s the first thing we’ll be asked about on the Day of Judgement, and according to another hadeeth, it’s a founding pillar of Islam – whoever has established it has uplifted the pillar, and whoever has disregarded it has dropped the founding pillar.

So with that in mind, this first month’s preparation consists of the following:


Ask yourself:
• Do I understand how important salaah really is, for both my current life and my time in the grave and Hereafter?
• Am I making my compulsory salaahs every day?
• Am I generally making them on time, or do I let other things delay me too often?
• Am I striving to make them in congregation?
• Do I have good concentration in salaah, or do other things often distract me?

There are many other points we could ponder on regarding salaah, but for now, we’ll limit the discussion to these alone. Think through each question, and record your answers. Be honest with yourself – and do this either completely in private, without sharing it with anyone (if you prefer it that way), or with someone else (if you think that’s more beneficial).

Root Cause Analysis

Now go through each of these points and look at what the problems / weaknesses are. List each of the problems, along with its outward symptoms that you notice (e.g. losing focus during salaah – what is my mind drifting to?). Then try to find what the root causes of those problems are by interrogating each symptom. Ask yourself “why?” that symptom persists, and keep asking “why?” of each answer until you get to the root cause.


With the problems diagnosed, the symptoms identified, and root causes found, now think of practical ways to solve those problems from the root. For example, if your mind drifts to your daily activities during salaah, is it because you spend so much time wrapped up in those activities, and then ‘quickly’ go to make salaah for a short time before you can get back to it?
If so, one solution is to give yourself a buffer of a few minutes before each salaah – a short period where you disconnect from all those activities, sit quietly and alone and try to let all those thoughts dissipate while you mentally prepare for your meeting with Allah. And after the salaah, take another few minutes to just stay in that moment – before you return to your life’s activities.


With solutions identified, now analyse what your schedule and life is like at this moment, and come up with a realistic plan of how you can implement the solution. Remember that a solution is far more effective if you implement it gradually – in small, manageable pieces, and consistently – rather than trying to make a big change in one go, and burning yourself out. Set up your plan to take baby steps in this month, knowing that you’ll only be starting small for now – and increasing the pace when Ramadan comes.
If, after a while, you find that you’ve incorrectly estimated your ability to follow the plan, simply make adjustments as needed. The goal for this month, and the four that follow, is to implement steps that are realistic for you – what you can manage, and not what will overburden you.


To help you with this month’s focus, check out this very unique talk about salaah (External Resource 1) by Abdul Nasir Jangda. If you’re not able to watch or download, a transcript is available here (External Resource 2). You may also want to read the short e-book “TASTE IT! How to Taste the True Beauty of Salah”, (External Resource 3) which approaches the topic of salaah quality in a short, piece by piece approach.

And the most important resources of all are the right intentions, sincere dua asking for success in this venture, and then consistent effort to do your best.

Optimizing Windows 7 Performance

When you run the laptop on battery, you mostly suffer from slow performance. I found a list in Microsoft website for improving the performance but I found one of them is totally great even if you do it only when you need to boost your laptop performance and for longer battery time :) ..

Turn off visual effects

If Windows is running slowly, you can speed it up by disabling some of its visual effects. It comes down to appearance versus performance. Would you rather have Windows run faster or look prettier? If your PC is fast enough, you don't have to make this tradeoff, but if your computer is just barely powerful enough for Windows 7, it can be useful to scale back on the visual bells and whistles.

You can choose which visual effects to turn off, one by one, or you can let Windows choose for you. There are 20 visual effects you can control, such as the transparent glass look, the way menus open or close, and whether shadows are displayed.

To adjust all visual effects for best performance:
  1. Open Performance Information and Tools by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type Performance Information and Tools, and then, in the list of results, click Performance Information and Tools.
  2. Click Adjust visual effects. Administrator permission required If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
  3. Click the Visual Effects tab, click Adjust for best performance, and then click OK. (For a less drastic option, select Let Windows choose what’s best for my computer.)

Copied from:

5 Tips to Extend Your Laptop Battery's Life 

1. Keep your laptop battery cool. Batteries degrade more quickly when they're hot. That means you should keep vents clear -- don't put your laptop on a fluffy pillow or a cushioned surface that will cover vents and trap heat.

2. Laptop packing. Don't pack your laptop away in a backpack or other enclosed space when the battery is still warm, trapping the heat. A battery that's frequently hot to the touch will lose life a lot faster than a battery that isn't constantly being stressed. Worst of all: If your laptop crashes or refuses to shut off properly, the battery can get extremely hot when packed away in your bag. Check it to make sure it hasn't gotten dangerously hot while stowed away over the weekend.

3. Don't charge your laptop constantly. If you only occasionally take your laptop away from a power outlet, but leave it plugged in to charge 24/7, you're leaving your laptop in a state of perpetual charge at the 100% point -- and that is bad for the battery's long-time health.

4. Recharge the battery. If you tend to use your laptop mainly at your desk, exercise your laptop battery by running it down and recharging it once or (even better) twice a month.

5. Battery storage. Alternately, you might want to physically remove the laptop battery if you're using the laptop at your desk for long stretches of time. If you do remove it, don't store it in a fully charged or depleted state. It's best to store it in the middle -- between 40 and 50 percent of full charge.

Copied from:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

تلك هي ثقتي بربي ♥

هل تعرف احساس الطفل عندما تقذفه في السماء فــيضحكـ..

لانه يعرف أنكـ لن تدعه يقع..

تلكـ هي {الثقـــة }..التي آتمناها..

تلكـ هي ثقتي بربي لو رمتني الاقـدار

فــسوف تلتقطني رحمة ربي ..قبل ان آقع

البرنامج الإنتخابي للشيخ حازم أبو اسماعيل

البرنامج الانتخابى كاملا لـ حازم صلاح أبو إسماعيل فيديو :

 1- ملامح البرنامج الإنتخابى

2- النصارى في بلدنا ورسالة للأقباط

3- المرأة (أمي وأختي وزوجتي وابنتي)

4- السياحة في بلدنا

5- الاقتصاد في بلدنا

6- الملف الامني

7- السياسات الدولية والاتفاقيات

8- الزراعة في بلدنا

9- الثقافة والفنون في بلدنا

10- السياسات الداخلية للدولة

11- القضاء في بلدنا

12- المؤسسية والمنهج العلمي

13- صناعة دولة محترمة وشعب مصون

14- القضاء على محن الشعب المصري

15- برنامج رسول الله علمنا لقاءات قصيرة (ربع ساعة ) يتناول في كل حلقة مشكلة من مشاكل مصر و رؤيته في حلها في ضوء هدي الرسول الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم


القناة الرسمية على اليوتيوب

الصفحة الرسمية الوحيدة على الفيس بوك

الموقع الرسمي على الإنترنت

الليلة الكبيرة لمهرجان الترشح

Monday, April 9, 2012

Enable Firefox "Save & Quit"

I liked the option of "save & quit" in the mozilla firefox, but unfortunately I can't find it in the new version. I discovered that you can get it back :) .. I followed these steps from [1] and it worked.

  1. Type about:config into the location bar and press enter
  2. Accept the warning message that appears, you will be taken to a list of preferences
  3. Locate the preference browser.tabs.warnOnClose, if its value is set to false, double-click on it to change its value to true
  4. Repeat this for these 3 preferences browser.warnOnQuit, browser.warnOnRestart and browser.showQuitWarning"

You need to set: Firefox/Tools > Options > General > Startup: "When Firefox Starts": "Show my home page". and your favourite firefox pop up "Save and Quit" question will appear again. If the last option is set on "Show my windows and tabs from last time" the browser won't ask you anything when you're closing it. ENJOY :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

سنحيا كراماً

حازم ابو اسماعيل: سنحيا كراماً ليس فقط معتقد سياسي إنما هي سياسات ونظم تُوضَع وصولاً لحق صحي وإجتماعي وتعليمي وخدمي للإنسان مكرماً.