Saturday, January 19, 2013

My Reflection 

 I remember watching supernanny's episode, when she was talking to a mother who had a fight with her son. Jo told her few words that I can't forget "It takes two to fight", I realized that your behavior and the way you react with others isn't one way directed, oppositely, it's bidirectional. The way other people treat you reflects on the way you treat them back and vice verse. I knew this meaning but I experienced it more on a recent situation.

When you've got used to protect yourself from being hurt by others, and being careful not being a reason for others sadness or tears. This complex the way you deal with others in different situations, because you are always processing all the possibilities of what will happen and the consequences of what already happened. Also the closeness of the person you are dealing with effects on the seriousness of protect/careful feelings, and the bad thing is that you wish you can resolve this quickly because of the tense it's creating.

I had a close person who was treating me in a different way, I tried to assume that it's out of stress and that there is no bad intention of meaning to hurt me. But eventually, I felt depressed and furious wishing I can release my worries, so I tried to confront this person by simply asking if there is something going wrong. The best part is that this person is also full of worries trying to keep it to himself/herself so it won't affect me. So I realized it's just that both of us are careful not to hurt each other but I do it by escaping from people being careful not to hurt them and that person was in a defensive mode hiding the worries but showing tense instead.

I find out that worries don't matter because there will always be something that we worry about, causing us to behave differently but the fact that "It takes two to understand each other". Your attempts to understand the other person lead him/her to appreciate your effort by reflecting his/her acts towards you leading in a mutual understanding and trust. You will be able to trust each other based on the understanding common ground you are sharing together, with this new perception, it made me more relaxed and confident in dealing with difficulties.

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